Thursday, May 14, 2009

7 Year Itch...

I heard these words several times back then, but now I realized that it's true to some. Several people have told me that there is that thing called the 7 year based on their experience, other people's experience and according to a research conducted by psychologists which can be found on the web.

But what exactly is this 7 year itch?

In relationships they say, that at the first few years of the relationship is the honeymoon stage. We can overlook our partner's weaknesses and imperfections but at the 7th year of the relationship, one gets tired of their mate. Probably due to boredom or dissatisfaction.

A friend of mine once said that if a couple undergoes the 7 year itch, it's considered to be the judgment stage whether or not to continue the relationship. Another friend of mine shared that every seven years of our life, there are major changes that will happen including in the relationships.

It's scary to think about it. But can we avoid this 7 year itch thing?

Does anyone of you experience this itch? Tell me more about it...

*Photo credit to HIME3181 of Deviantart.


Momzy on June 8, 2009 at 3:41 PM said...

hi! been married for 9 years now...have passed the 7th stage...i guess this is true and if the "itch" happens, the couple should really hold on to each other, understand each other even better inoder to save and keep the marriage/relationship...

Crissy on June 8, 2009 at 4:47 PM said...

that's nice to hear Momzy...glad to hear someone has passed that stage successfully.


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